Return Policy

Product returns can be accepted within 14 days from the date of receipt.

The product must be purchased exclusively from HomelyHome.
In no case can a product that is not in its original condition be accepted. This means that the product must:

A) Not to be washed.

B) Not to have been used in any way.

C) To have all his labels.

D) Its packaging has not been damaged.

The defective product can only be replaced with the same product.

  • For reasons of hygiene, returns are not accepted to:
  • Pillows
  • Coatings
  • Substrates
  • Pillow covers
  • Toilet caps
  • Sleeping mattresses
  • The return of processed products, based on the desired dimension, e.g. carpets, hallways, mattresses, curtain rods, metal beds.
  • In case of return of products through the fault of the customer, the shipping costs of the shipment and the return are borne exclusively by him.
  • You should know that by placing an order from our online store, you unconditionally accept the terms of sale that govern any transaction.

Attention: You must check your products within 48 hours from the moment you received them, to verify that they are the products you ordered and are in good condition. Otherwise, product returns are not accepted.

Return process

Send the parcel based on the way you received it along with the receipt or invoice. The delivery address is Ioannou Metaxa 24, Leptokarya, Pieria.

For more information call 23520 33547.